Sale-a-bration is coming to an end - there's only a week left!
Did you get all of the free SAB goodies that you wanted?
Did you enjoy the extra Hostess benefits that came with qualifying orders?
Sale-a-bration was a lot of fun for me this year - the free products were the best in years, I will be sorry to see them go, but I've stashed a few away for personal use :)
Did you see the joining special - we had 2 this year!
Such a generous reward for joining a fabulous company - a massive amount of free product, and if you chose option 2, you also got that gorgeous craft tote - I adore mine!
The tote is ONLY available to new demonstrators who join during SAB, so it will be saying goodbye in a week when SAB ends - March 31st will be your last day to join my team, and choose your free goodies and that tote if you choose option 2.
If you are worried that once you join, you will be pressured to sell or to join in all of the fabulousness that is Stampin' Up!, then don't worry!
You will NEVER be pressured to sell by me or by SU! EVER!
You can purchase just for yourself - that 20% discount is really very handy - you can sell just to friends and family, or you make a business for yourself, large or small! Work it as often as you like, it really is your business!
Leaving is as simple as not making your minimums, or emailing SU! to say you won't be continuing, that's it, and you walk away owing nothing, and can keep all that you have bought!
You can go back to being a customer at any time, and you can always rejoin when it suits you, if you decide that you can't live without being a part of this amazing company - I am coming up on my 10th anniversary with Stampin' Up!, and I love every bit of it :)
Feel free to message me with any questions, I am happy to help, or click the link to join my team:
Hope to see your name there soon!
Kylie :)